Mount Pierce and Mount Eisenhower via Crawford Path

mt. eisenhower and mt. pierce via crawford path - new hampshire hiking - 4,000 footers

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Mount Pierce and Mount Eisenhower Hike Details

Trail: Crawford Path > Appalachian Trail
Miles: 9.8
Hours: 5:15 of hiking; 6:45 total

Mount Pierce and Mount Eisenhower Hike Overview

The trail to Mount Pierce (4,311’) and Mount Eisenhower (4,780’) is not considered a loop but can be done as a loop if you either have two cars or walk 2.3 miles on the road. We did not have two cars nor did we want to walk on the road, so we chose to hike this as an out-and-back trail summiting Mount Pierce first.

NOTE: The trail to Mount Pierce and Mount Eisenhower gains over 3,000 feet of elevation over 5 miles, so it isn’t super difficult, but there are quite a few steep sections.

Mount Pierce and Mount Eisenhower Hike via Crawford Path Guide

May 27, 2017

**Always remember to leave no trace. It is crucial to pack out what you pack in and throw away your trash properly.

All I wanted for my birthday was to hike, so that’s exactly what we did! Alex and I began the hike to Mount Pierce and Mount Eisenhower around 10:30 AM on a cloudy day with high humidity. I read that Mount Eisenhower has one of the best summit views, so we began the hike hoping the clouds would disperse once we reached the summit.

It was chilly for a May morning, so we packed layers knowing the summit would have even cooler temps. The beginning of the Crawford Path trail was uneventful until about 0.6 miles in when we reached a small path pointing to Gibbs Falls. The waterfall wasn’t huge but it was beautiful!


Soon after we finished taking pictures of the falls, it began to drizzle. I wasn’t the happiest bee in the hive. However, I quickly got over it as I began seeing the beauty it created. As I said before, it was a humid day, so there was so much fog. The trail was covered in moss, which was beautiful in itself, but the fog and mist made the forest seem magical! The rest of the trail to Mount Pierce’s summit climbed steadily with a few breaks.


When we finally reached Mount Pierce’s summit, it was very cloudy which limited the views, so we didn’t stay too long. We decided to head over to Mount Eisenhower. hoping the clouds would disperse soon.

The beginning of the ridge to Mount Eisenhower was a nice break from the steep inclines. The ridge had a few viewpoints, but the clouds were so thick, we couldn’t see 10 feet off the cliff. The last 0.4 miles to Mount Eisenhower’s summit were tough, with a few steep rock scrambles. The rocks were slippery from the rain which made it a bit more difficult.

When we reached Mount Eisenhower’s summit, I was so disappointed because the view consisted of gray masses. The clouds hadn’t cleared up, and I wanted to head back down the trail, but Alex said we should wait. About 30 minutes later, the clouds began to move!

Eventually, the clouds completely dispersed leaving us on Mount Eisenhower’s summit with INCREDIBLE views. I was so happy I almost cried – seriously. It was one of the most beautiful 360° views we had seen. Now it was my turn to take a million pictures, but how could I not with the view?!


After enjoying the amazing views on Mount Eisenhower and wiping away my happy tears, we began the hike back to Mount Pierce. The lookout points on the ridge were as beautiful as we thought they would be and made the hike back more enjoyable. We reached Mount Pierce, and although the summit didn’t have 360° views, but it was still beautiful!


The hike down Crawford Path was tiring, and our muscles did not enjoy the cooler temperature at the summits. The descent felt like it took 8 hours because all we wanted was our car, warmth, and more food (yes, we eat a lot). We had to be careful, though, since everything was still wet. The slippery rock made for some tough patches once we got to the steeper sections of Crawford Path. We finally reached the car and beat our ascent time by 15 minutes!

Overall, the hike to Mount Pierce and Mount Eisenhower was very rewarding! And it doesn’t hurt that we crossed two 4,000-footers off our list! I would definitely recommend this hike, even if you choose to do one summit.

Have you hiked Mount Pierce and Mount Eisenhower together, or did you hike them separately?

nichole the nomad - travel guides - hiking guides

Hey, I’m Nichole!

I am the creator behind Nichole the Nomad, the home of my explorations around the world, mountain hikes, and beautiful pictures taken along the way. I have a deep passion for capturing the world in a beautiful light and sharing my experiences.

I created this blog to share my travels, show how beautiful the world is, provide tips and tricks for traveling, and encourage you to explore. Whether you want to travel across the world or explore what’s in your backyard, I hope this blog inspires you to get outside and find your adventure!